Webinar: Event technology showcase – How Interprefy is leading the way in localization for live events


Join us for an insightful discussion on how Interprefy is transforming the world of localization at global events and conferences. Our industry experts will share the latest trends around the use of AI speech-to-speech translation and how Interprefy is leading the way in providing reliable and high-quality language solutions to businesses worldwide.


Flash Friday: Post-Covid Venue Contracts and Clauses to Watch Out For


Join us for our newest PCMA ELI subscriber, and PCMA and CEMA member-exclusive benefit, Flash Fridays!

Before the pandemic, hotel and venue contracts were complicated enough but post-COVID, venues have more measures in place to protect themselves than ever before.


November DES Expert Panel Q&A


This is your opportunity to hear from our DES Experts Meg Fasy, Rachel Stephan, and Sourabh Kothari and ask the questions you want answered, whether related directly to the course content, or a challenge you may be facing in your own work in the virtual/hybrid events world.


Community Conversation: Independent Event Organizers


Join us for a conversation with other PCMA independent event organizers around the latest trends, topics and challenges. Members are encouraged to come with questions and share experiences for the benefit of the group. Resources will be shared after the conversation.

Flash Friday: Case Study: Money20/20 | How Do They Do It?


Join us for our newest PCMA ELI subscriber, and PCMA and CEMA member-exclusive benefit, Flash Fridays!

Considered the premiere event of the money & payment ecosystem, Money20/20 hosts three major, global events a year that bring together over 13,000 attendees across continents.


Community Conversation: Medical Meeting Organizers


Join us for a conversation with other PCMA medical meeting organizers around the latest trends, topics and challenges. Members are encouraged to come with questions and share experiences for the benefit of the group. Resources will be shared after the conversation.

Webinar: Navigating Mass Social Trauma at Events


In an era marked by outrageous acts of violence, your commitment to creating safe, inclusive, and healing spaces has never been more critical. The far-reaching consequences of mass social trauma, stemming from incidents like shootings, protests, and political injustice can cast a profound shadow on the landscape of any business event.


LATAM Webinar: La Magia de Servir con Propósito


Descubre la magia de servir con propósito durante este webinar de la mano de PCMA Latam y el conferencista Gabriel Vallejo. Obtén herramientas prácticas, inspiración y motivación para el éxito profesional.


Flash Friday: Working With Your Venue to Reduce Your Environmental Impact


Most event planners care deeply about the carbon footprint of our events, but oftentimes, with limited resources and budget, it can be difficult to figure out how to make a difference and where to start. The venue you select for your event can play a huge role on the sustainability impact of your event.


Community Conversation: Independent Event Organizers


Join us for a conversation with other PCMA independent event organizers around the latest trends, topics and challenges. Members are encouraged to come with questions and share experiences for the benefit of the group. Resources will be shared after the conversation.

Community Conversation: Medical Meeting Organizers


Join us for a conversation with other PCMA medical meeting organizers around the latest trends, topics and challenges. Members are encouraged to come with questions and share experiences for the benefit of the group. Resources will be shared after the conversation.