PCMA London Lab
November 28 @ 09:00 - 13:00
The PCMA Labs are a sandbox for association leaders, event marketers, organisers and strategists, the London Lab is specifically developed for association leaders. We will explore the business events industry trends and pain points in a safe environment where you will be challenged to think out of the box, where the seemingly impossible may be possible with collective wisdom and action. The Labs are a platform to build trusted, peer-to-peer relationships and be part of a community that innovates and shapes the future of our industry.
Title: A deep dive into new event business models to future-proof yours
Description: This session is tailored for organizations aiming to evolve by integrating insights from beyond the traditional business events sphere. Engage with a blend of theory and real-world examples to grasp the essence and advantages of new business models. Discover the key components that drive them and explore how they function in practice. Reflect on your organization’s position and readiness to adopt these innovative models or identify which core elements can enhance your business strategies.
- Comprehensive Understanding: Gain a deep insight into platform business models, their benefits, and journey.
- Readiness Evaluation: For organizations poised to become a platform, conduct a gap analysis to assess preparedness for the transition.
- Strategic Integration: For those not fully transitioning, pinpoint vital platform model elements to incorporate into existing business practices.
Date: Thursday 28 November 2024
Timings: 09:00 – 13:00 (Including Lunch)
Host Venue: Central Hall Westminster
In partnership with:
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